A player manager or a team manager can add a player photo once a player is claimed. The player photo will be displayed on the player card as shown below. This photo will be overlaid on to the teams stream.

1) A player manager can add or modify a players photo under the PROFILE tab accessed using the green pencil icon in the top right hand corner of the players page.

2) Select Change Image and upload a photo.  The circle below will indicate how your photo will display on the overlay.

3) A team manager can add or modify a players photo by clicking on Edit by the players name on the team home page.

3) Select Change Image to upload a photo.  

Photo Dimensions Should Be: 

Greater than 100 x 100 Pixels and smaller than 4000 by 4000 pixels.  The image can’t be greater than 2MB.

Note:  This is the photo that will show on your teams Facebook & YouTube pages.  So, make sure it is a photo you are proud for those outside your team and organization to see.