YouTube makes you verify a channel before you can livestream with sidelineHD. If you've livestreamed to your channel before, these steps should not be necessary. If you're visual, here is a video to demo setup:
Creating and verifying a YouTube channel for livestreaming
I don’t have a YouTube channel. How do create one?
Instructions for desktop and laptop users
Go to
Sign in via the button on the top right if necessary
Click on the profile avatar on the top right, then select SETTINGS.
Follow the steps provided by YouTube. Feel free to give your viewers as much or as little information as desired. Once completed, you should see “Your channel” a refresh might be necessary. Once created you must complete the steps below on a computer or in desktop mode to ENABLE LIVESTREAMING.
Instructions for mobile users
NOTE: You can setup your first YouTube Channel on Mobile but the final step of enabling livestreaming must be completed on a desktop or mobile.
Go to the YouTube mobile app
Sign in if necessary
Select the profile picture in the top right corner of the screen
Select YOUR CHANNEL from the options provided then click CREATE YOUR CHANNEL.
I have a YouTube channel. Now what? ENABLE LIVESTREAMING!
You must verify your channel for livestreaming if you’ve never streamed to it before.
*YouTube requires that you do the following steps on a laptop or desktop computer*
Go to Select the “CREATE” icon in the top right corner as shown below.
Select “GO LIVE”
Select “REQUEST”
YouTube may ask you to verify your phone number. If necessary, follow those instructions by selecting “VERIFY”.
Go back to the YouTube tab you were working off of before and refresh the page. You should see the message below with a countdown timer. That is good!
In 24 hours, navigate to your sidelineHD camera settings (Settings -> Stream Settings -> Stream Publishing) and click “LINK YOUTUBE”. Be sure to select the Google account that you made the channel with and ALLOW all permissions.
Hopefully, this works, and you will see your YouTube channel on the sidelineHD streaming tab as shown below. If this does not work, please ensure your 24 hours have passed. If you waited and still can’t get your channel linked, it may be best to try again. After multiple attempts, if you still cannot get your channel linked, you can contact support by messaging sidelineHD’s Facebook page or opening a ticket.